
to the windy city

AWP took us to Chicago a few weeks ago. 
Wicker Park, the contemporary art museum, 
great vintage shops, uh-mazing pizza 
and the blue line will bring me back.


I love you, man.



These Kids

Lately I've been feeling old. Age is just a number, and youth is a feeling. I'm trying to remember.

Last night I devoured Patti Smith's "Just Kids". She absolutely grew up in a different time, a world that doesn't exist anymore. That may be my favorite part of the story, the little bits and details of a turn of the century upbringing, a  life that is gone with the wind. Romanticized, yes. Romantic anyway? Absolutely. Young, poor, in love, artistically driven, sentimental, eager, shy, conflicted, excited about life. Simple writing with little heart aching moments on every page.

I've also been obsessed with Portlandia lately (okay, as of yesterday...). The last clip is from their tour, watch full episodes on Netflix. 


For the sake of old time (feelings)

An always make you teary eyed song, sung by the cute little whipper snapper, Julia Topaz.

It's a beautiful day (in the 60's here, what?) and someone next door is playing cello, I can hear it clear through the wall.

So here's to 2012. Think it's gonna be a big one.